Friday, October 28, 2011

The Initiate Returns!

Okay, let me start by saying that I am sorry to the people that took the time to read, comment and subscribe to my blog.  I have been very busy with both things related and unrelated with Warhammer 40k.  So with that said I'm going to focus on bringing this up to date with some (hopefully) great content from the perceptive of a brand new player (Hey, that sounds like a great blog idea!).

Here are a few things I plan to do over the next few days:
1) I played my first two 1850 games and I will be providing a battle report on the second game.
2) I finally got my color scheme right, I'll be showing that off and possibly providing a step by step.
3)  They were my first real army and my overall favorite army so...obviously I got to talk about them.
4) I joined the IC Hobby Challenge and I'll be documenting that here.
5) I've been listening to a lot of pod-casts, so naturally I'm going to review them.

These things and much more to come!

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